Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Been a while

 Boy it really has been a while. 

Today is a day I just need to vent.  I feel like a shit bag and it's just made worse by the fact that my kid passed out for about 10 minutes and I didn't notice it.  As if that's not bad enough, it obviously sent her into a tizzy and she and I had words in a house that isn't ours that we're staying in.  I don't feel like I'm doing right by her at all, even though I know I am doing my best, I just feel like it's not good enough.  I don't know what I can do to make things better.

I WANT her and I to be able to have a conversation and NOT escalate to yelling and screaming, but it seems history is doomed to repeat itself because I see myself and my mother and her and her mother all over again.

I feel like I don't have anyone to talk to because if I mention it to Dora, she will mention it to Tony or Sera and honestly it's between Sera and I, no one else.

Of course They are due back here any minute and I'm sitting here crying like a bawl baby and they're going to want to know what happened.  I guess I'll just tell them I feel like a piece of shit because I am not helping out.  I don't have a job, my one option requires me to go to another branch once a week.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Fit to Fat to Fit

I started watching this show, I remember a few years ago when Drew Manning started his fit to fat to fit journey so he could see what it was like on the fat side of the scale.  Watching this show today, I remembered when I was a pup out of high school, I had just joined the Army, and I went from skinny fat to fit, I had never weighed above 124, but I wasn't really healthy.  I was just skinny, when I went to Basic Training, I was so out of shape, that I had to go to the Fitness Training Center and learn how to do push ups, sit-ups and learn to run... Boy do I ever suck at running, even after 8 years on Active Duty, I STILL SUCK at running, well, at least I think I do, I've not tried recently, though I have tossed the idea around.

Anyways, after Basic Training and AIT, I was FIT it was December and I was on Leave before going to Germany, and I was wearing a crop top showing off my abs and wearing skinny jeans!  HOT is really what I was, and I FELT IT!  I went to Germany, and I didn't realize that I had to maintain that physique, I thought I had it, and it would stay.  I started drinking, and EATING ALL THAT YUMMY GERMAN FOOD, and I started getting chubby, though I didn't know it really.  I got deployed to Bosnia, and met a friend who was weight lifting, and he got me into it, I remember going into the rec tent and working out, I learned that the bar alone weighs 45 lbs and felt like it weighed a ton.  I started squatting first with just the bar, and same with bench presses.  I had never felt better, but I weighed 135!  I immediately quit because I thought OMG I'M GAINING WEIGHT, and I wanted to be skinny!

When we got back from Bosnia, I was still skinny, but again, I didn't know about how to stay fit, I thought as long as I do my PT every day, I'd be alright, well then, I got married, and broke my ankle, and couldn't do PT.  Then, when I was off profile, I was still in physical pain, and then I had to get ready to go to Kentucky.  I had immediately had to do a 12 mile ruck march, and I got about 4 miles in before I had to quit.  My 1SG knew about the ride, but I didn't care.  What he did care about was that I had just come off profile for my broken ankle.

I ended up having to have surgery on that ankle because I had a bone fragment that had broken off and was irritating my ligaments, hence the pain I was in all the time.  Well, by this time, I was almost an entire year of not exercising, and I had gotten used to it.  My ex father in law would call me fat, and said he could see my ass growing.  I HATED that man with a passion!  After I left Kentucky, I went back to Germany where I started having back issues, and I went through a depression because I had just had a miscarriage, and my husband was always gone on deployment.  I was in a fairly deep depression and didn't know it.  I thought, no, I'm happy, there's no reason to be depressed.

Of course, being back in Germany, there was ALL THAT DELICIOUS FOOD again, so I ate, and ate, and ate.  I ended up very overweight, I had back pains, migraines, arthritis in my ankle, so bad weather meant pain and I had to walk or do nothing most days.  When I got out, I didn't exercise, I didn't want to.  I just wanted to be lazy and not do anything.  My house cleaning was not happening, my husband decided to start having an affair, and I was hurt over it.

I went through a different kind of depression when I went through the divorce, I dropped weight like crazy, no clue how, it just fell off.  I started going out, and started dancing, I ended up in a size 14 from a size 18, so I dropped 2 sizes.  I then moved to Michigan, and stayed all of 3 months, had to come back to GA.  I started having PTSD symptoms, and went back into a depression.  I didn't really want to go out, I didn't want to have fun, I went to work and I came home and went to sleep.  Finally, I just quit going out, I decided shortly after my 31st Birthday that I wanted to have a baby.  I got pregnant, and after having my kiddo, I thought chasing my child around will cause me to lose the weight.  NOPE, I just gained and gained and gained.  I developed High Blood Pressure, a fatty liver, and more depression...  See a pattern here?  I do.  I don't like it either.

My child is now about to turn 8.  My LITTLE brother had a massive stroke and heart attack just under a year ago, and that was a turning point in my life.  I KNEW I didn't want my daughter to see me the way his daughter found him.  I had to do something, but I didn't know how to start, where to start, or what to do.  I was watching TV, too lazy to find the remote to change the channel from the cartoons the kiddo was watching before school.  The cartoons turned off and infomercials started.  The 21 day fix was the program they were hawking, and I thought yeah, another skinny chick telling me how to get skinny, sure, it will work....  Then I saw the results.  THESE WOMEN WERE REAL!  THEY LOST REAL WEIGHT!  I could do that, so I ordered the program!

I started working out the first day after getting the program....  My kiddo told me to stop because I was talking out loud about how bad it hurt.  She said she didn't want me to hurt myself.  I sent her to Michigan and completed a round last summer,  I felt really good afterwards.  I lost 14 lbs.  I then did another round and lost another 15 lbs!  Between rounds though, I didn't know that I had to maintain the workouts and eating program, so I gained all of that 15 I had lost back.  I started coaching, and ordered P90, and lost 20 lbs, lost a total of 50 lbs, but some of that was weight I had gained back.  Since starting my coaching career, I have had my ups and downs, of course, I mean, I went through the should have been 16th birthday of my first child, and that was a bit depressing, I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, and it was winter, I started getting down on myself, but I pushed through thanks to my coach and my friends.  I am happy to say I haven't looked at the scale, and with 3 tries to work on The Master's Hammer and Chisel, I have finally stuck, I complete the first week tomorrow morning, and since I've made it through the first one, I know the other 3 aren't going to be a problem.  I'm from a 22 (before moving to GA with my kiddo) down to a 14!  THAT'S 4 PANTS SIZES!  I have the dress that I wore for my best friend's wedding as a guide, you can see the rolls in my stomach in that dress when I wore it the first time!  I put it on 6 months later, and took a picture, and was told that my initial picture I had something stuffed under my dress... Haters gonna hate right, I can't wait to finish the program and see what there is to see in the dress this next time.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

I AM still on my fitness journey!  I've fallen off the wagon a few times, who doesn't right?  I am back on, and I stick to the 80/20 rule fairly well, though my body REALLY hates the 20 part, so it's not often that I do the 20.  Anyhow, I'm doing The Master's Hammer and Chisel right now, working on building muscle, and today, I noticed I NEED new weights!  My heavy weights are 5 lbs, and I need to up them, I LOVE that I can see that!  Of course, that means my 5 lb weights are now going to be my light weights.... I'm a little worried about that, but I know I can do it!  My kiddo will be glad, because then those 2 lb weights I've been using are officially hers! :)

I'm still coaching, which for me is a huge thing!  By this time last year, I was doing the nail wrap thing, and had given up on it.  I'm NOT giving up on coaching, I don't have customers, but I will, I'm confident in that. 

I have been learning meal prep and meal planning, and this has really taken some time for me to understand, but I sat down yesterday and did a meal plan in less than 45 minutes!  Last week, it took me a couple of hours!  Progress right, small victories still count!

Let's enjoy this journey and have fun!  I'm out!

Monday, May 18, 2015

This is the start

Today is the day I've decided to get into shape!

I have decided that I really do need to get into shape.  I live too far from the nearest VA and my insurance through my work has yet to provide me with the insurance I've been paying for since March!  I'm having health problems that can only be explained by contributing to poor health.  My child, sweet as she can be said she wants me to be as skinny as her...(She doesn't even weigh 40 lbs).  I told her that will never happen, but I can do things to get myself into better shape. 

My teeth are a constant source of pain right now, and I'm sure that my sugar intake contributes a good deal to this as well.  Need to lower that, so I've been seeing posts on Pinterest about this 21 day fix program. 

I don't have the money for it, but thanks to the amazing interwebs, I can find the basics for free and see where that takes me.  Who knows, maybe I will be able to stick with this and see results.  I don't like the idea of having to work out in 100 degree weather this summer, but I need to get myself better and this is what it will take, so I'm going to do it.

My kiddo is going out of state for the summer, so I won't need to have snacks around for her, which will make cleaning out my nearly bare cupboards all that much easier.

Wish me luck, this is the beginning.